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25 High Paying Adsense Keywords

When using Google Adsense there are some keywords that pay a lot more the other keywords. You may wonder why that is. There are a few factors involved in the pricing of the keywords such as: how many people search for that keyword and how much information there is about it on the web. If you are curious to know what keywords pay more then others here is a list of 25 keywords that pay a lot in Google Adsense.

$82.92 - austin dwi
$74.93 - car insurance quotes
$67.34 - student loan consolidation rates
$59.21 - consolidate school loans
$51.26 - auto quote
$48.87 - structured settlement company
$48.65 - san diego dui
$46.54 - 125 equity
$44.87 - malignant mesothlioma
$43.50 - bank of america equity
$40.41 - botox training
$37.49 - dwi lawyer
$37.22 - champion mortgage
$35.64 - mesothelioma lung cancer
$33.32 - washington dui
$31.59 - apply for mortgage
$30.39 - safeco insurance
$29.53 - credit cards consolidation
$28.95 - equity consolidation
$28.64 - dallas personal injury attorney
$28.04 - mortgage for people with bad credit
$27.25 - 21st century insurance
$26.56 - american equity mortgage
$24.63 - lasik las vegas
$22.82 - excalibur hotel casino

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